Thursday, December 14, 2023

Rudolf Reindeer Cookies

Matthew Cohen
I don't usually write about food at Renov8or, but these reindeer cookies are seriously cute.  I've been a longtime fan of the Reindeer Cupcakes over at Your Cup of Cake. What makes them stand out from the handful of other reindeer food crafts in my opinion are the cartoonish eyeballs, made from white M&Ms, and the vanilla cookie snouts. So I thought about how to adapt this idea to make a cookie. 

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Christmas Craft: Tree in a Bottle


Years ago we started a tradition of ornament crafting with the kids at Grandma's house. When they were small, we painted simple glass globes. But as they became more adept at crafting, we've tried our hands at some trickier projects. 

This tree in a bottle ornament only looks difficult. It turned out to be one of the easiest crafts. Bigger kids are able to pull this off on their own, with little help.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

The Least Expensive "True" Counter-Depth Refrigerator Solutions

A counter-depth refrigerator, via Bosch
You'll often hear it said that appliances come in standard sizes, but there's a great deal of variation in refrigerators. So-called "standard" 36-inch refrigerators vary in height and width, and more importantly, depth. This is immediately apparent to anyone shopping for a "counter-depth" fridge. What the industry calls a "counter-depth" fridge costs several thousand dollars more than a conventional refrigerator—and still protrudes past your countertops. If you're looking for a more streamlined look, here are the options.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Marble Maintenance: Sealing Marble Is No Big Deal

When I designed the bathroom in our 1940s home, I wanted it to look classic and timeless. It didn't have to be a slavish nod to 1940s era bathrooms, but I wanted it to fit the period of our building, to feel as if it had always been there.